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Thanksgiving 2013 – Dinner

10 Jan

Further on our journey towards New York, we stopped for Thanksgiving dinner. It was much colder at this point, so we ate inside a rest stop. Out of trash bags. Hilda sliced her tomato in a phone booth.



Along the way, mom entertained us with puppets.


This is a totally typical family vacation.

Thanksgiving 2013 – Lunch

9 Jan

Hilda, Gilda, Ma Sue, Mom and I drove to New York on Thanksgiving Day 2013. Ma Sue wanted to save money, so she packed our lunch and supper to go.

At lunch time it was pretty chilly, but we ate outside anyway.




They love boiled eggs.


Repeat Pete

8 Jan

My family played a new game at Christmas in 2009 called Repeat Pete. You get a card and act out whatever the card says, and the next person repeats what you did and adds what their card says. So forth and so yodel.

Plastic Bag Awareness

7 Jan

For Christmas 2013, Hilda gave all the ladies in the family a paper bead necklace that she made.

IMG_4463It came in this Ziploc sandwich bag.

IMG_4458If you missed it, here it is again. It has two holes cut in it…so I won’t suffocate. For realsies. It’s actually kind of sweet, maybe?

IMG_4457The part that bothers me is that Hilda and Gilda both gave me planners in a gallon Ziploc bag WITHOUT ANY HOLES CUT IN THEM.

IMG_4455Now I’m concerned. What if I accidentally stick my head in the bag and can’t get it out and there aren’t any air holes to save me?!?

IMG_4456At least the holes in the sandwich bag saved this beautiful duck that Hilda painted (also a Christmas gift).IMG_4460

Headache Relief

5 Jan

Over the holidays, Gilda showed me how she gets rid of and prevents headaches. Every day, she makes a fist and beats her chest for 3 minutes. She warned me not to beat myself so hard that I get bruises.

Quotables #3

16 Oct

On the way home from my graduation, where Hilda and Gilda  met my new boyfriend, Gilda said, “He’s good stock.”

This is a good thing, apparently.

Identical Itches

Gilda @ my HS graduation party

8 Oct


Quotables #2

6 Oct

“I wear rubbers to protect me from diseases.” – Gilda

…talking about disposable rubber gloves, of course.



3 Oct

During my first semester of college, Gilda sent me a care package — a box full of sardines. Here is the note she included:

( <– Emily’s birthday!)


Dear Sheila,
If I were you I
would get the small
bones out of the sardines
before I ate them and
throw the bones away.


30 Sep

“If I had an axe, I could get to the rest of that baby shampoo.” – Gilda

Aunt Gilda on a subway in NYC

