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Plastic Bag Awareness

7 Jan

For Christmas 2013, Hilda gave all the ladies in the family a paper bead necklace that she made.

IMG_4463It came in this Ziploc sandwich bag.

IMG_4458If you missed it, here it is again. It has two holes cut in it…so I won’t suffocate. For realsies. It’s actually kind of sweet, maybe?

IMG_4457The part that bothers me is that Hilda and Gilda both gave me planners in a gallon Ziploc bag WITHOUT ANY HOLES CUT IN THEM.

IMG_4455Now I’m concerned. What if I accidentally stick my head in the bag and can’t get it out and there aren’t any air holes to save me?!?

IMG_4456At least the holes in the sandwich bag saved this beautiful duck that Hilda painted (also a Christmas gift).IMG_4460

More Christmas Presents

12 Jan

Other presents I got from Hilda and Gilda this year include:
Sparkling grape juice, chocolates, tiny doll, painted Minnie Mouse, bag of walnuts, and a pack of gum.

